
A $35 Bargain Turned Into A Two-thousand-year-old Treasure

But the owner got to send it away

3 min readMay 11, 2022


Photo by Ross Cohen on Unsplash

Laura Young is an antique dealer who often goes to various small shops looking for items. In 2018, at a Goodwill store in Texas, she was drawn to a marble human head tucked under a table for just $34.99.

She bought the head and took it home. Somehow she felt that this human head was quite special. To find out what it was she contacted an auction house in London that confirmed it was really old — like FIRST CENTURY old.

But as to whom the head actually depicts scholars are divided.

Some say it portrays Drusus Germanicus, a Roman commander who lived in the first century B.C.E. and was the younger brother of Tiberius, the second Roman emperor.

Others speculate that the statue is a likeness of Sextus Pompey, son of Pompey the Great, who formed the first triumvirate along with Julius Caesar and Marcus Crassus.

Nonetheless, there is no doubt that this head is a two-thousand-year-old sculpture.

Reading this, you might be thinking, wow, Ms. Young must have made a lot of money from the sculpture. In reality, she neither made any money, but also spent a lot of legal fees to send it away.




Written by Mulan

Storyteller, traveler, and yoga lover, on the way to finding a place to rest my heart. Join me by clicking the link below

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