Do You Have Goals? Do They Make You Happy?

Is having goals even necessary for us human beings? What to do if you decide to have a goal?

7 min readMay 24, 2021
Photo by Dirk Canzler in

Goals. The internet is full of articles about goals, the bookshelves bend under the heavyweight of literature that was produced during the last 2000 years or so taking care of this topic: Goals. There are articles on how we can reach them, what we have to do to reach them, and even which goals are “good” for us and which not. It seems goals are ubiquitous topics in our lives, and of high importance.

But are goals important for kids?

Did you ever watch kids playing on a playground, in the streets, somewhere? A boy might find an old worn-out coin on the street, and suddenly his whole attention is focused on it. It becomes the middle of his world. Well, for some seconds, or some minutes. Until he discovers something else, that gets his full attention — and forgets about the coin.

And this game goes on and on. Is there anything wrong with it? Not at all! Kids play this way, and kids get to know the world — their world by acting this way. Does acting this way make them unhappy? Did you ever heard a kid saying to you: “Well, playing is fine, but I need some goals in my life!”? Maybe not.




Storyteller, traveler, and yoga lover, on the way to finding a place to rest my heart. Join me by clicking the link below