Heartwarming Christmas Eve., 2021

Sweet letters between two

2 min readDec 26, 2021


Creditor: My Work ⋆ Canzler Photography


Hi honey,

There will be a party tonight. Before leaving, I have a little time to write to you. On such a special day like Christmas, I am thinking a lot about you, and our relationship.

Recently I have been very happy with you and feel closer to you. Of course, we were also very happy together before, and those occasional quarrels did not affect our relationship. However, now we are getting much closer than before.

I really enjoy being with you, honey. We have never gotten bored when we were together. You always had ever-changing ways to make me happy and make us feel love and intimate. You could also find new and interesting things to bring us closer.

You gave me what I always wanted, especially what I wanted in a relationship. I hope I did give you something in return, something you wanted and made you happy.

Merry Christmas! I love you, honey.


Hi honey,

What a big surprise! Your mail makes me so happy, honey. Your love is so sincere and deeply touches my heart.

I am glad that I could give you what you wanted. What I want to say is that you…




Storyteller, traveler, and yoga lover, on the way to finding a place to rest my heart. Join me by clicking the link below