Travel Series

The Bus Driver In Vienna Navigated Us To The Right Place

The moments warmed by strangers

3 min readNov 29, 2021


classical buildings under blue sky
Photo by cait on Unsplash

Adrienne Beaumont told a story about how she lost in Vienna, which reminds me that I also got lost once in this city, but in a different way.

It was at the end of the 1990s, I studied in Germany. One year on holiday, I and my three friends drove to Vienna.

As we approached the city, we drove to the train station first to find a hotel. The travel agency there introduced a good but inexpensive one to us. After confirming the address, we drove into the city.

It was a time where the internet wasn’t popular yet. Our small and old Fiesta didn’t have a navigator either, so the map was all we could rely on.

But very soon we got lost in the intricate streets. After driving around for quite a while, we couldn’t find the hotel. And it was getting dark.

While desperate, we happened to see a bus with a destination which was exactly the street we were looking for.

We got so excited that we immediately followed the bus. To be more secure, we sent a buddy to the bus. He jumped onto it and told the bus driver what happened to us.




Storyteller, traveler, and yoga lover, on the way to finding a place to rest my heart. Join me by clicking the link below